Wwise Unreal Project

I am interested in audio and music, so I learnt the fundamentals of middleware Wwise and integrated it into Unreal Engine. In this project, I have implemented dynamic footsteps. With each step the player takes, a line trace is drawn directly downwards from the character model's foot to the ground. Depending on what physics material the line trace hits a different sound will be played. Sound attenuation and positioning have been applied to a wood burner so that the player can tell what direction the sound is coming from (if they are wearing headphones) and once they are close enough the sound will envelop them. RTPCs (Real-Time Parameter Controls) are utilized to play, increase, and decrease the volume of a heartbeat sound depending on the player’s health. Once the player’s health drops below a threshold the sound will play quietly but will increase as the player’s health falls and decreases if it rises until it stops playing altogether.

To view the Unreal Wwise Project GitHub repository